Summer camp this year was amazing. Every night at campfire (at during the day too) Joe (guitar, vocals), Aaron(jimbi--sp?!), Matt (violin) and I (vocals) led the worship. As I stood there singing totally in-awe of the presence of the Lord I realized that THIS is what I was made to do. I can't imagin doing anything else for the rest of my life. Worshiping the Lord in song, making music, ahhh! That thrills me to death. And because it thrills me to death even thinking about it, that somehow confirms in my heart that that is what I'm meant to do. God always seems to have a "great" way of changing your plans, but hey, his will is perfect right?! SOOO....in even if I don't end up making music God's will will be done, and that is honestly all that I really desire to happen.
I have come to the new conclusion that most of the stuff on t.v. is complete crap. That's blunt, but it just flat out is. The worst part is is that it presents lies in a nice, neat, attractive package and woos you to believe it. Sure, it's just "entertainment", but oh my word, most of the time all it does is make you feel worse. I'm being pretty hypocritcal right now...I realize this...I just sat in front of the t.v. for 2 hours straight watching two shows that yes were entertaining but were absolutly NOT worth the time of day. I've gone alot of media fasts before, they've havn't lasted very long. Why? Is it because I just couldn't stand the temptation. Not really. Was it because I was bored. Yeah, but there is more to it than just bordom. I'm afraid of the quiet. I'm lazy and I procrasinate.
So, this blog was meant to be a gathering of eloquent and semi-profound thoughts. At least, that has been my hidden intention. Over the past month or so I havn't really had anything "profound", or more, I havn't been able to get my thoughts together in order to type out a blog that someone might want to read and comment on. I still don't have much. But I've been inspired by various people to shout out something even if it's not perfectly thought out and together.
There is something about spiritual warfare, an aspect of it that most people are blind to. Apparently one of the Enemy's attacks/tactics is to separate us from reality. To make us feel like we are living in a dream. To lie to us to the point that we doubt our very existence. He takes our mind, I don't mean in a medeforical sense, into a sort-of unconcious conciousness much like that of when we are watching a really intense movie. As if we are in a movie and pain and death don't actually exist. He can do this when we are half asleep, while dreaming, while watching a film, listening to music or just flat out when we feel so far from God that we doubt his very existence. I just experienced that. I'm starting to wake up but it was scary. No, I'm not completly out of it....I feel like I'm in a dream and it's freaking me out. "Lord wake me up! Alert my mind to the life and reality around me. I wonder if some people go temporarily insame because of the enemy's work in their lives. Insanity or Spiritual Warfare that plays with your mind and disconnects you from reality.
Hello individual reading this,
A know alot of people who should probably say that they have a Theme Song. One that says what you just can't seem to to put any better. One that says something about who you are and what you're about. I have one: "Love Song to A Savior" by Jars of Clay. This song honestly puts into words my heart's cry and what I'm about. Here are the lyrics:
Putting thoughts into words hasn't been easy for me lately but I've just been inspired by Aaron's blog to spill a little bit more of my soul.