

Wow. The last couple of weeks have been great on program. I've been learning a lot and losing a lot. The past few days have been relatively difficult. My dad said something really encouraging the day before yesterday though. He said that he was proud of the fact that I never let my bad days on program get to me. I just moved on like it was nothing, just a blink on the radar. I didn't let the hardtimes get me discouraged and defeated.
I have to say, for awhile I was feeling really defeated on program. I felt like, maybe I really can't do this. Maybe I can't reach my goal. But NO! I can. I will reach it. I just keep at it. So, that's why I'm going to go work out right now. For mother's Day my family went to Anothony's Home Port. Everything is huge, cooked in oil, creamy sauces, THE WHOLE NINE YARDS. I was SOOO good. I ordered exactly what I wanted, even though it wasn't technically on the menu. I had the seafood marinara with chicken instead of shell fish and a side of cooked broccoli (w/o oil) instead of a dressing covered salad. Then I spilt a dessert with my grandma. Also, I divided my pasta in half and took half with me instead of eating it all there. It was perfect. it was wonderful. When I got home I decided to throw away my leftovers, and start fresh the next day. I was SO PROUD!! I would have NEVER done that a year ago. I would have ordered something big and fatty, eaten the whole thing, felt guilty and overly full then gotten a big dessert and would have left feeling bloated and not satisfied. It was a great treat. But, today I'm WORKING OUT! HA! And I'm excited to do some sweating.


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