
10 Questions

So I made a little quiz thingy and it would AWESOME if you filled out your own answers. I love getting to know more about who people are.... :D

1. What is a dream of yours? To own my own bakery someday

2. What type of music do you listen to? All kinds, but my favorites are: blues and jazz & acoustic-driven folk rock Artists like: Bonnie Raitt, Justin Lacroix, John Mayer, Jill Paquette, Bethany Dillon, Joss Stone, K.T. Tustall, etc.

3. What would you say is your number one passion? Getting to know Jesus and life he wants me to live and learning how to do his will in everything is my number one passion.

4. What are your weaknesses? Chocolate chip cookies, boys who can sing their behinds off, pride, fancy hair products, putting people above Jesus.

5. What is the most attractive qualities in a person of the opposite sex (be HONEST)? Honestly...passion for music, beautiful smile, randomn/off-beat humor, lack of fear to look stupid (either to stand up for injustice or in child-like fun), spiritual maturity.

6. If you got $100 dollars in the mail today and you only had one day to spend it what would you do with it (Be HONEST)? To be honest, I would go and buy as many Fredrick Fekkai hair products as I could with $100. They're kinda pricy and If I just magically got $100, I'd probably go and spend it on that! ha!

7. What gives you butterflies in your stomach? Knowing that I have to go in front of people and either sing or speak. The fear of forgetting what to sing or say gives them to me.

8. What makes you feel all warm and fuzzy? Movies where a guy fights for a girl's love, good blues music, really good hugs, holding hands.

9. What inspires child-like wonder in you? Nature, downtown Seattle at Christmas time, going into toy-stores with friends (or without, but specifically with!) and disney movies.

10. What fuels your life? Hope fuels my life. Faith that Jesus is who he says he is and that I can trust that is what fuels my life and gives me joy. Hope doesn't disappoint and I'm confident of that.


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