
Church Shopping

I don't think that church shopping is a good idea, unless, say, you've just moved to a new town and you have no where to settle into.
I have been going to Grace Community Church my whole life. I've never regurally attended another church. I've made deep friendships there and am active in the ministry that goes on there. Up till recently I've been pretty satisfied with that.
Last year I started to go to Youth group at Seatac Bible Church in Federal Way.
At first, I didn't like it. Mostly because it was so different from Grace. I didn't get an "emotional reaction" when I was there. It seemed stuffy and not somewhere where I could "worship". Yeah, my philosphy on "just what is worship" has changed alot since last year. Anyways, so this year I started regurally attending the youth group and have formed some friendships with people and even a budding mentoring relationship...which ROCKS! Patty is awesome! :D
Now, I probably will not just leave Grace with only a few months left before I graduate out of the high school group but I tell ya my view of Seatac has changed and it's definatly NOT because I have friends their now.
The teaching is incredible. The people who speak don't illustrate much or tell many stories from personal experience, etc. like I'm so used to. The worship isn't loud and energetic. The people don't come across as people that I'm normally drawn to.
But they question things and most it seems feel safe to do so. Behind the scenes the women reach out to the other girls and the girls respond to the friendship being offered them. The youth pastor has a confidence that's humble but reassuring and a devotion to the Word of God that's apparent in his teaching...he tells it like it is, like the Bible says it is, even if it's unpopular. The guy who leads worship (one of my best friends) does so even if he doesn't have it all together because he knows that we need music in youth group to "warm us up" to hear what the person has to teach us that night. Their are regular unbelievers who come because they feel comfortable enough to come to a place where they can ask questions.
I like this and I don't feel it at Grace. Maybe it's because Grace has at least a hundred people in their youth group and Seatac has maybe 20 (on a big night). Maybe it's because it's so different and the change of pace is refreshing I don't know. All I know is that when I graduate, IF GOD LEADS ME THERE, I'll go without much of a burden. My love for that place is growing. I'm happy about that. It comes with it's own list of imperfections that are hard to overlook some nights but so does Grace.
I don't like the superficiality at Grace (I'm not saying it's not at Seatac too because it is) or the way it feels like a social opportunity rather then a place to learn and worship God (Seatac isn't really that for me, it used to be but it's changing). ETC.
Right now, I feel like God is using me at Grace and at Seatac and I'm happy just going to Wednesday night youth group, it might now always be that way, who knows. But the Family of God...the Church (capital "C") is everywhere it doesn't matter what your local church is. Those who believe that the blood of Jesus is all that can save them are brothers and sisters in Christ. WOO HOO!
"We are family, I've got all my sisters with me. Yeah, we are family, come of everybody and sing!" -Great Oldies song that I can't remember the name of for the life of me!


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