

There is a difference...

Myspace, email, multiple blogs, Christmas presents, clothes, beauty products, T.V., movies, the mall, the internet, CDs.

Trees, snow, mountains, laughter, crying, eating dinner with friends, The Bible, breathing deep, walking outside, swimming in a river, boating.

Some would say that the first list is more stimulating. You have more instant gratification. Everything now-a-days is so fast paced and so rushed. We try and manufacture beauty because the real stuff is too hard to wait around for. We never look at who we really are inside because we are so consumed by looking perfect on the outside. And maybe not perfect, but at least satisfactory to whoever we are trying to please. We "waste time" because we arn't creative enough to rest or just enjoy life. We procrasinate, procrasinate, procrasinate as way to rest and relax because we don't want to work first.

I'm fed up of procrasination. But am I going to do anything about it? No. Probably not. WHY THE HECK NOT?! I don't know. I really don't know. I need God. I need help. I want to LIVE MY LIFE. I'm wasting precious hours and days doing pretty much nothing. It's stupid and I'm fed up. I want to change. I want to be changed. It's a process, I know. LORD, CHANGE ME! I DONOT WANT TO WASTE MY LIFE ANYMORE.

I want to tell you something about this picture. I don't like it. I think that I look overweight. I think that my stomach looks chubby and I'm self-concious about every picture I take. I'm leaving it on here because I love what I'm doing. I'm completly carefree. I remember what I was feeling. I was living out LIFE in this picture. I was on my favorite beach in California totally joyful and loving the air and water and sand. It's beautiful and I'm so sick and tired of being self-concious. Some people never run around barefoot because they don't like their feet or their worried they'll step on something. Some people never wear skirts because they hate their legs. Some people never let their hair down because they are too self-concious of what they'll appear to be. I say that we should all wake-up and start living the free life that God died for and quit worrying about what we might "appear" to be! MAN! I hate that I do this all the time. LORD, CHANGE ME! AH!


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