
Life worthy of the gospel

What does it mean to live a life worthy of the gospel? It's easy to put a pat Christian answer on it but when you really start to think about it, you realize that it's impossible to do with out Jesus Christ. My attempts to live a life which I think is worthy of the gospel normally looks like this: Read my Bible EVERYDAY; journal everyday; check off every person on my list of people to pray for; not yell at my brother or dad; do everything my parents tell me with a smile on my face; enjoy church on Sundays, learn something and apply it; not waste my time; ETC. ETC. ETC. Okay, there is something wrong with all of this or well, rather something...missing. There is more to living a life worthy of the gospel of Jesus then just always doing what you should. Sin starts in your heart. I must say that often times when I feel like I'm "on track" I'm really far from it because my heart is divided and unrepentant. Fantasy rules my thought life and I'm not fully God's. Living a life worthy of the gospel has more about where my heart is at than what I look like (or feel like) on the outside.
I want to live a life worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what I want. I cannot do that without Jesus Christ because he has to first put the desire in me. I can't muster up any sort-of desire and strength to do so on my own. Jesus has to be the one and if I do somehow feel the desire to be close to the lord and spend time with him it's only because God put it in me!! Praise the Lord for his mercy.


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