
I'm going to try and write...

Lately, writing has been hard for me. My heart hasn't been with me and my mind has been so distracted that profound thoughts havn't come at all. I currently have nothing in particular to say. Alot of great blogs are written when someone has something they are passionate to write about. This one probably won't be one of them. But who knows...
Ummm, I love my friends. Tonight I realized that people are just completly beautiful and I'm so incredibly blessed to have these people in my life. Rachael, Joe, Gene and Anne Popino are amazing people. Who would have guessed that that much love, inpsiration and encouragement could flow from one family. I love them all really deeply. Margo, Kati Jo and Makenzie are a stream of honest, tell it like it is wisdom. They demonstrate life in a raw form to me. They are three of the most life filled people that I know. Even when the whole world is crashing down on them God uses them in amazingly powerful ways to work in my heart. So much of the love in my heart is for them. Sean Oliver Fooks is an interesting character and I love him for it. I honestly think that God has given me (over the past 2 years that I've known him) a glimpse into how He sees him, how God sees him I mean. I think that God has opened my eyes and made me see him like God does. Certainly not to the extent that he does, but it's amazing how much I truly care about Sean. I mean, even when he's a jerk and people tell me that I just am not seeing the flaws, It's not that I don't see them it's that my love for him and my trust in who he was meant to be and faith that he'll be that someday overshadows everything else. So much CRAP has gone on this year regarding him and through it all I've come to the basic conclusion that I love him and God does and I'm not leaving or giving up on him no matter how many people do. I dunno...I love the kid hardcore. :) Praise God. I already gave a shout out to Jake, Ryan and Aaron in a previous blog so if you read that you'll know why I think that they are beautiful people. Oooo....another subject....
Beauty. My philosophy on beauty is something that I've been thinking about lately. I believe that beauty shines through the eyes and smile. You don't have to be a girl for me to think that you are beautiful. Beauty is in the way you carry yourself, in the manner in which you talk and express your heart. It's written all over you if you let it shine. That's just it, beauty is something that shines and if you look close enough even in the hardest of people, you see it and it's glorious.
I see true, God-like beauty in so many people. Those who I know and love and also people I just see on the street and it just amazes me.

I love photography. I am SO excited because I'm taking a black and white photography class up at Green River Comm. College during Winter quarter. I truly believe that pictures, especially when they are well taken, speak a thousand words. has amazing photo essays on it. I could stare at pictures, specifically black and white ones all day. There is so much beauty in life and to capture it is amazing. Candid photos, pictures on babies and old people, landscape, buildings, etc. It's all incredible to me.
Sometimes it's so easy to lose sight of the gaw-dropping beauty (not just physical beauty, but the kind-of beauty that shines, like I was saying) in life because of the amount of bitterness, anger, pain and suffering that overshadows it.
To really experience life I think that you have to find a balance of not ignoring the pain but also not forgetting the beauty or the art of recognizing it.


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