How to combat discouragment
Exercise. don't think about it. exercise.
The difference of one summer is amazing. To the left is a picture of me last summer. I had lost 20 lbs. but was completely out of shape. I didn't do any preparation for the hike. I had trouble breathing and thought I would throw-up for most of the hike.
Since I got back from the Czech Republic this summer I've been going strong. Program was very difficult in Czech...correction, impossible. I didn't think I could get so stressed out about food but Czech proved it's possible. However, God is good. He provided ways to have peace of mind. The increased activity, supportive team (Katcha, Janelle and I walked 8 miles to town to buy fruit and nuts one day), and just perspective. I figured if I gained 10 lbs. on the trip, it was no big deal because I knew how to lose it once I got home!
Okay. So I've decided to start fresh. screw discouragement! it gets me nowhere!! I'm starting my summer slimdown plan TODAY. Here's the rundown:
Great week. Bad week. Bad week. And here I sit. I can't seem to be consistent. I'm turning to food for all the wrong reasons and not working out. Which is leaving me feeling depressed, disgusting and out of control. I don't like feel this way. I hate being so obsessed with my body, no one should be. I know how to solve my current predicament but somehow I can't muster up the motivation and drive to actually do that..consistently. I'm down 2.8 then down 1.4, then up 2.8. AH. I hate that I know the point value of everything as I'm stuffing it into my face. I hate that I can't just seem to snap back on program.
I lost what I had gained last week. SO EXCITING. I feel so much more in control this week, so far that is. I've been journaling everything that goes into my mouth. Which, consequently, makes me much more aware of what I'm eating. I'm heading off to Eastern Washington today for a concert and bringing snacks and lunch and breakfast for tommorow. It's wonderful. And I've journaled it all already. ha! I love this program. I'm so excited to see more results.
wow. Today was the first day that I just woke up, slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt and walked out the door. Okay, I took shower first. :) Starting this whole weight loss journey over a year ago, it was my goal to be able to put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt without worrying about anything. Today I did. It feels incredible. so out of this world incredible! And, I bought a straight cut brocade dress today in a size 8. AHHH. I've gone from a 16 to an 8. That's just amazing to me.
Let me just say...for the record: I'm officially a skinny person. I have abs. Yes, it's true. No more "middle section." ABS! ahh. Shaped and toned. I LOVE IT. I gained last week but I fully expected it and mentally prepared myself for it. I'm so darn proud of the progress i've made. For this whole year and a half, I havn't ever used a "no weigh-in pass." This is a big accomplishment. I have just accepted whatever loss or gain that I've had for that week on program. I'm now back on program for an entirely new and exciting week of journaling and learning. I'm wearing a top right now that was too small when I bought it. It looks fabulous. I'm thrilled at how far I've come. i'm a completely different person. it feels amazing.
Wow. The last couple of weeks have been great on program. I've been learning a lot and losing a lot. The past few days have been relatively difficult. My dad said something really encouraging the day before yesterday though. He said that he was proud of the fact that I never let my bad days on program get to me. I just moved on like it was nothing, just a blink on the radar. I didn't let the hardtimes get me discouraged and defeated.
This week was okay. I did really, really well on the scale. I was suprised. REALLY, REALLY SUPRISED. Losing weight is so much an emotional journey. It certainly has been for me. I'm taking it one step at a time and gaining a better sense of control over this program. If I was to break it down, right now the things that will help me succeed with this weight loss are:
I am going to start once again recording how my week was on program. I think I need that consistency. Writing my feelings about the week helps me put things into perspective.