Ricidulous. I've gained a bunch of weight. I know it. WHO GIVES A CARE?! Seriously. I've made it so far that I cannot once again become consumed with numbers.
I've joined the self magazine, "Self Challenge 2007." It is a 3 month plan that will jump start and help you reach your goals. My goal? Wear a bathing this year without my butt falling out of it! Yep. That is my valient goal which I'll be working towards. I'm really excited about this challenge because it's simple and apparently, effective too. Which is always a benefit! Diet pills= simple but not effective. Self Challenge 2007= simple and effective. I like it.
Here's the plan...
30-minutes of cardio 3 times a week, 25 minutes of strength training 3 times a week.
Plus, I'm doing weight watchers, which I'm sure everybody knows about by now. I'll be keeping a workout and food log to keep me accountable and help track my progress. I'm REALLY EXCITED!
Day One: I have very little energy which I think is partly because of my imbalanced diet. I need to add more dairy, whole grains, leafy greens, fish and lean meat. I've got a little in there but NOT ENOUGH. I love the elliptical machine. I've got my little routine down pat: Magazine, iPod (sean paul, rhianna, bow-wow, beyonce...), every two minutes I switch going forward with the elliptical then backward (KILLER on the quads!!). It's awesome, 30 minutes goes by wicked fast. So far I've learned:
-I don't snack well.
-I need to lift weights before I do cardio.
-I cannot expect dramatic results after one day.
-Encouraged by this program because I know that I'll be burning it away SOON.
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