Back In the Day
I feel like I'm in 7th grade again. I just "stole" 3 chocolate kisses of my mom's, ate them when no one was home, then smashed the wrappers into a little ball and hid it where no one would find it.
When I was in junior high I would eat, literally, pounds of candy a week but no one would ever know. I'd stash the wrappers and then when the piles got to big to conceal I would flush them down the toilet by the handfuls.
Yes, I have an abusive, binge-eating past that I'm thankful I no longer have. However, for some reason, this week has just been aweful. Little things like that have happened all week and it's SOOO stressful.
I remember feeling completely defeated and depressed all of 7th grade. I would take $1-5 dollars a couple of times a week from my parents and buy 2 packages of Otis Spunkmyer cookies from the Cafateria. Plus a 12 inch sub sandwich and candy bars whenever I had some extra change.
I'm so NOT proud of this relationship I had with food. My relationship now is completely different. Even though this week has been difficult, it's NOTHING like it has been in the past. And therefore, the silver-lining of my week is, an appreciation for how FAR I'VE COME!!! AND WHERE I'M HEADING TO!!!
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