So, I guess I'm a song writer. As most of you know who are either loyal readers of this blog or who just know me, you know that I love music. I've been singing forever. And lately I've been honing my writing skills and putting them down in a lyrical format. It's pretty awesome. I never thought I could write a song. And now I have 7. HAHAHA! Since I don't play any instrument (although I plan on learning guitar in the near future)I havn't put music to any of the songs but I've got a lot of musical friends to collaborate with. I'M SO JAZZED! The following is an example of one the songs I've written...more to come...
<*title unknown*>
Inspired by: Conversations of temptation, sin and an overall desperatness for God, with a friend of mine. I originally wrote it for that person to sing but a few updates and it pretty much states my heart's cry too. :)
Forgive me God for not wanting you as much as I need you
Give me a desire for you that's stronger than the lusts of the world
His chocolate eyes melt my heart
May the taste of your sweet presence satisfy deeper
What I don't want to do I do and what I do want to do I don't
Hush the confusion
I cry from the depths
I scream from the pit that I'm stuck in
The silence is too loud, are you saying something?
A downpour of doubt floods my pillow
Clouds of unbelief fog my view
May your Son shine hope into my life
Fear comes in waves
Still the sea of my soul
I believe, but oh help my unbelief
For the first time in forever may I feel you near
My fig leaves are wearing thin
Clothe me in righteousness
My sleeping soul needs a wake-up call
Your love satisfies all of me but I'm parched
It casts out fear but I'm scared stiff
Sin gnaws at me like a bad habut
Set me free, oh Lord, set me free
(Chorus again with revised words)
I cry from the depths
I scream from the pit that I'm stuck in
The silence is too loud, they say you're still whispering...
I cry from the depths
I scream from the pit
My prayers feel like they're bouncing off my ceiling
Save me from myself
The silence is too loud, are you saying something?
More to come.
I like the whole silence is too loud analogy. is that an anology? maybe I have my definitions mixed up.
9:56 PM
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