
Trade My Love

So right now all of my really close friends, the people who have always been the "strong ones" when I've been doing crappy are doing horrible. Either their depressed, suffering, grieving, confused as heck or just not close with the Lord (or all of the above) and I'm really not feeling good either. I LOVE these people, whoever is reading this has gotta know that I'd do just about anything to just brighten these people's lives up...but I can't, and that breaks me down more then I can say. This song by Sandra McCracken is amazing. It puts into words pretty much perfectly what my heart is towards everyone right now...It's called: Trade My Love

As dust on the scales
As grass of the field
So are our days with the serpent on our heels
The reed is bruised
The sky is cracked
You wear your pain as a veil of black

Proverbs of ashes
Smear you with lies
The one who changed your name has touched your side.
Fortune and favor
You have not known
What is the vine, you have not grown?
I will not sing songs when you’re heavy
I will not speak words to make it clear
I will stay with you and all that you carry
I would trade my love, for all your fears.

If I speak or refrain
You may not be changed
For your deliverance your days are arranged
To the roots of the mountains
You sink down
Hurled into the deep, spit onto the ground

Severe mercy is your one great hope
It is well, it will be well with your soul

I will not sing songs
I will not speak words
I will stay with you and all that you carry,
I will trade my love… For all your fears


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