
Actions in Light of God's Presence

If I actually belived that God existed, if I actually belived He was the God he says he is, then the way that I lived my life would change. Not just because in the light of this amazing God I would be ashamed of my life but because when I know someone is watching what I am doing I feel self-concious and most of the time I change. Much like how I wouldn't watch certain things if I knew my grandma was sitting next to me. Gosh, if I really belived that God was real then how much more concious would I be of what I did knowing that the Creator of the Universe is sitting next to me. And you know what, if the Bible is in fact the Word of God and if in fact the entire thing is true and reliable then I can believe this verse: "How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up in the morning, you are still with me!" (Psalm 139:17 NLT)
I certainly don't live like I believe that there is a God who is always by my side. But the truth is, no matter what I, in all my human perspective, think is "right", no matter what I live like, no matter what I feel, Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man. He came down to earth, he lived a perfect life so I would never have to, he died on my behalf and when all hope seemed to be lost he ROSE FROM THE DEAD to prove that His love conquers even death. And now, through beliving that this is true (even though I won't even fully conprehend why) I have eternal life and the salvation of my soul. And not only that, because that's not the only reason Jesus came, I can have unity with God. I can actually talk with the Almighty, and he has promised (and he's good and keeping his promises) to always be with me. Never leave my side. Gosh, my prayer comes in the form of Psalm 139:23-24:
"Search me, O GOD, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything (and everything) in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life."


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