

He'll be a pursuer of your heart Jesus. In-love with you. I'll be second, but deeply loved, that's where I belong. He'll know what it is to take care of his own heart, so that he can take care of mine. A gentleman, like you Jesus. Gentle, seeking you to know how to love me. His heart will be captured and forever ransomed by you. Someone to walk through life with, a forever friend, someone to share my heart with, pour my love into.
I promise now Lord Jesus, Lover of My Soul, that I will not settle for anyone accept this man...your man, the man that you have for me. Your best. I'm your daughter, and as a protective dad, I rest in your arms and trust that you will provide, in your timing. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for the cross, through it I live and breathe. May I live in your embrace forever. I cannot truly love someone until I know what it to be inraptured by your face and in-love with you. Protect my heart, it's fragile and easily broken. Protect me from giving it to others. Capture my mind with the knowledge of you and turn my eyes to your beautiful self. My heart aches for are the only one who will EVER fill me completly. May I begin to know more of you today. I love you Lord Jesus.

Love Always,
Whitney Elizabeth


Blogger josh said...

Hey Whitney,
i hope you don't mind, but i jumped onto your blog from one of your comments on one of the post's matt did.
i love the prayer you wrote, its powerful, and i think the Father got your message. thanks for sharing your heart too, its good to know that there are high schoolers more in tune with Him that with all the other 'hims.'
take care

10:07 AM

Blogger James said...

All I can say is


4:10 PM


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