

“Come and ruin me with Your love, so no other is enough" -Watermark

Capitave our hearts Jesus. Devestate us with your presence. I have sought after lovers less wild: love of others, friendship with others, my own efforts to be you, material things, apperances of being something I'm not, security in my situation, etc. All these things will never really lavish on me the love that I need to breathe and live this life fully. Capture me in your embrace and don't let me go. Please Jesus, I can't live without your restores my life and unveils the glory of my soul. I want to be completly your's. I don't want to live a life of quiet desparation anymore, faking my way through my life, trying to be something that I am not yet and at the same time trying to be something that I used to be. The lie that, I am too much and not enough at the same time and the lie that I shouldn't speak, I shouldn't offer my heart because no one will listen or care....LORD JESUS BANISH THESE BECAUSE AND THROUGH THE CROSS! I claim the cross and the blood and ask these things on behalf of my friends as well. I pray this for Sean. I pray this for Mackenzie. I pray this for Kati Jo. I pray this for Margo. I pray this for Matt. I pray this for Gene. I pray this for Joe. I pray this for Rachael. I pray this for the world. I pray this for Amber and Johannah, Jordyn, Annie, Elisabeth and everyone else in my life whom I love and cherish. Oh Lord God, I ask you to reconcile to yourself my dad. And for my mom, I pray this on her behalf!! How my heart breaks in two when I see their state. Banish the lies they are beliving. YOU ARE THE SAVIOR! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE IN YOU! I ASK IN YOUR NAME THAT THIS WOULD BE DONE....IN YOUR TIME LORD! Give me the patience and perspective of Job, the wisdom of Solomon and the passion of your Son!

Your Daughter,
Whitney Elizabeth


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