
Living by Example

Joe Popino is an amazing man and the passion that he lives with and fire that is in him is incredible. He carries the presence of the Living God. I praise God that Joe and Rachael have been brought together! And I pray fervantly that God will bring a man into my life that resembles Joe. He is setting a high standard...which is good...for the type of man that I will marry someday. Praise God for such a man to look up to, respect and look to live by.
He has "introduced" (more like familiarized) me to a woman named Jami Smith. She is a worship leader. I havn't heard much of her music or heard much about her. But something in the way she worships (I've seen pictures) shines Christ. It shines complete and total contentment and steadfastness in who she is and whose she is...which is someone that I live to be. Here is a little piece of something she wrote of her
"I am in a supernatural relationship with God and the characteristics of it supercede human relations. Basically, God will not fail me. When humans falter, His love is constant and faithful. Not one of us can find the true love our hearts crave in the eyes of a human, although we sure do try, and don't I know it. I have a history of broken hearts to prove it. Yet, I can trust God with my heart, now, and with my mind. It may not always be clear to me what He is up to, but my heart is safe with Him. And that is just one of a thousand reasons why I want others to know about God and this unshakeable Love. I find music and worship songs, more specifically, to be a great way to show the character of God to seekers and an absolutely necessary way for the body of Christ to encourage each other to hold on through life's hardships"

I believe that music is the stream in which God has chosen to use me to minister to other people. I have a passion and desire to sing...and it's not so much singing that sets my soul free...because many people can sing well, it's something more...something deeply holy. My eyes are opened though the words and rythem of music, something in my soul is stirred by it. I desire to create, inspire and recoginize beauty through music.
The ability to sing has always been in me...I've never really had to work at it. Joe tonight opened my eyes to something that I had never really put words to but always felt..."Because it comes easy to you, because singing is natural for you, you feel like you shouldn't enjoy it as much, like you somehow don't feel like you should. Well, that is a lie from Satan, a lie from the pit of Hell! God's here going, 'I gave you that, I want you to enjoy it' !" The lie that I have believed for, well, forever, is "You are prideful and you should humble yourself and never think you sound good! Never! Doubt yourself, that's when you are truly humble." Never have I really questioned this before. But now I'm beggining to...and it's freeing.
Much of what Joe has said to me, much of how he lives...God uses is that to speak truth into the depths of my soul that have been lied to time and time again..."You are not worthy of my time or energy", "You don't deserve to be treated well, only if you do something to earn it...then maybe.", "Don't speak. Don't offer your heart. It's not worth it, no one will listen". MAN! THE ENEMY SURE IS A LIAR! AHHHH! It ticks me off to the 3rd degree!! Jesus Christ reigns here! He is the truth! The only truth! I believe this! PRAISE YOU FATHER GOD IN HEAVEN! I LOVE YOU, OH HOW I DESIRE TO LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!!!
Thank you for Joe. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the cross.


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