
Letting God be God

Sometimes the most profound revelations are the most obvious things you could ever think of. Like how I'm not God. YEAH! DUH! But, uno what I really do act like I am sometimes, trying to control things and all. I have come to the conclusion that, in the words of Sara Groves, "I'm not God, I'm just a girl I confess". Martin Luther stated something that has been so profound to me... "Let God be God". Simple. But when you REALLY think about it, it's something that if we actually did, it would radically change how we viewed life, how we treated others, ourself and God. We wouldn't be the same people if we actually let God do his job which is being...the all faithful one, all powerful one, all knowing one, our father, our savior, or redeemer, the one in control of of all our circumstances, the one who heals, loves and picks up us off our face when we, that is a big burden for us to try and carry, if only we knew what it was like to fall into the arms of Jesus just as we were and knew that we were completly secure and safe and complete. :) That would be amazing. It would change me. I would no longer have any escuse...other then the whole fallen nature thing (oh yeah, that! ha!), to not love him completely. Man...that is the cry of my heart LORD (cool fact: have you ever noticed how sometimes God's name in the Bible is spelled, "Lord" and sometimes "LORD", well, that was intentional. LORD means Sovereign one and Lord is more like a title like "God" it is who he is and LORD is what he is! Isn't that awesome! Ha!)


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